The Columbia Public Library will be hosting officers from the Columbia Borough Police Department on Thursday, May 19, at 1:00 pm, in celebration of National Police Week 2016. First, fourth, and fifth grade students from Our Lady of the Angels School will be participating. The program will be held in the Locust Street Park Gazebo (weather permitting), along with the grassy area outside the library where police vehicles will be displayed.
Students will be grouped by class and rotate to three stations: 1) Story sharing area: Officers will read stories aloud to children; 2) A “Show and Tell” equipment demonstrations by Officers (radios, collapsible batons, handcuffs and Taser). Children may also have the chance to try on a police Kevlar vest; 3) Opportunity to see and sit inside police cars.

Note: None of the items will be handled by the children or put to use by officers.
The library’s collaboration with the police began in 2008 when Library Director, Lisa Greybill befriended Officer Ed Mann. Officer Mann was K9 officer at that time and offered to bring his dog Max for a summer program for the children. This was an instant success and the program has grown over the years to feature not only the summer visit, but a visit during National Police Week, which falls the third week of May. Many officers have told Greybill they look forward to coming to the program and interacting with the children. Officer Mann continues to attend even though Max has since passed away.
The police will also present a program for adults. Police chief Jack Brommer has shared in the past both the history of the department and the problems and possible solutions of the heroin epidemic that is sweeping the county. This year’s program is expected to be a continuation of the “Battle on Heroin” series, as this is a serious county-wide problem.
For more information, contact Greybill at 684-2255 or email lgreybill@columbia.lib.pa.us
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