“It Happened at the Library” Project is Expanding to include Countywide submissions!
Lancaster Public Library has extended the deadline to submit writing and artwork to the “It Happened at the Library” project to June 1, 2019. Eligibility has also been expanded to include all Lancaster County students in grades K – 12 attending public, private, parochial, or home schools. Work may now be submitted by individuals or as group projects developed by families, classrooms, clubs, youth groups, and Scouts. Submitted writing and artwork will be on display at a “Library Happening” scheduled for December 7, 2019, 1 – 4 p.m., at Lancaster Public Library, 125 N. Duke Street, in Lancaster, PA.
Submitted work may also be chosen for inclusion in a book and/or in a performance piece to be created by Lancaster author and playwright Sandy Asher. Both the book and the performance piece will debut at the “Library Happening.” The event will be free and open to the public. Copies of the book will be offered for sale. Proceeds will benefit Lancaster Public Library.
Submissions are limited to one piece of writing (up to 500 words) or one piece of artwork (up to 8 1/2″ x 11″) per student or group and must relate to the theme, “It Happened at the Library.” The relationship may be serious or humorous, realistic or fantastic, fictional or non-fictional. All genres are welcome: story, article, personal narrative, poem, play, drawing, painting, collage, cartoon, photograph — or any other form or style suitable for wall display and/or book reproduction. Students may submit one individual piece and also participate in group projects.

“We’ve already received some wonderful writing and artwork, but we’ve had requests from the public to extend the deadline and expand the eligibility,” says the project’s director, Sandy Asher. “We want to reach as many young people as possible with this opportunity to encourage imagination and creativity and to celebrate the fact that the library really is a happening place, a place where amazing, amusing, surprising, and satisfying things happen all the time.
Individual and group contributors will be acknowledged in the book. It will become an on-going fundraiser for Lancaster Public Library, and we’re very grateful to Fox Chapel Publishing for their support in making that possible.”
All submissions must be accompanied by a signed statement of release. Full guidelines and the required statement of release may be picked up at the Youth Help Desk on the second floor of Lancaster Public Library, or requested by email from cbyrnes@lancasterpubliclibrary.org.
“It Happened at the Library” Submission Guidelines
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