Library System announces Emergency Preparedness Training Summit for member public libraries

September, 2015 – The Library System on behalf of its member public libraries is pleased to announce that they will host a Public Library Emergency Preparedness Summit on September 23, 2015. The training summit will feature a special panel of experts in the area of disaster preparedness and a visiting trainer from the NN/LM Mid-Atlantic Region to provide a full day of training to prepare public libraries in the development of a customized Service Continuity Plan for their library facility.* Panelists for the morning training include: Randy Gockley, LEMA (Lancaster County Emergency Management); Christopher Doty, American Red Cross; Mike Oster, Paul Davis Restoration; George Giangi, South Central PA Task Force, and Jayne Miller, Mental Health Educator for Philhaven. Afternoon class will feature a Ten-Step Approach to Service Continuity Planning presented by Kate Flewelling, MLS Outreach Coordinator with NN/LM.
The purpose of this project is to ensure the preparedness of staff members and administrations of Public Libraries in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania to deal with internal emergencies and enhance their capacity to prepare for and respond to community disasters and emergencies in planned and meaningful ways. Preparation for internal emergencies will be achieved through trainings offered through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) on the development of continuity of service plans and courses offered through the American Red Cross in First Aid and CPR. The capacity of libraries to join in the response to community emergencies and disasters will be addressed, in part, by a networking and training session that will include the Lancaster County Emergency Management Agency, the American Red Cross, the South Central Regional Emergency Response Coalition and other businesses and organizations active in the emergency response community. Trainings in the area of first aid, CPR and emergency preparedness will be offered.
10-Step Approach to Service Continuity Planning
This class presented by Kate Flewelling, Outreach Coordinator with NN/LM MAR, will teach participants to identify the Ten Steps and using the suggestions in the NN/LM’s Emergency Preparedness & Response Toolkit develop a continuity of service/disaster plan. They will develop a written procedure for handling emergencies: and
About the Library System of Lancaster County
The Library System of Lancaster County is a federated system with 14 member libraries, three branches and a bookmobile, which serves 519,462 residents. Established in April 1987 as a 501c(3) non-profit organization, the Library System provides well-coordinated countywide services and cooperative programs to assist member libraries in meeting the diverse needs of its community residents. The mission of the Library System of Lancaster County is to bring together all 14 member public libraries to plan and create a cost-effective network of technology, facilities and resources to meet the informational, educational and recreational needs of all residents of Lancaster County. The Library System ensures that a network of support services is provided to all public libraries in the county.

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*This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N-276-2011-00003-C with the University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System.