The Strasburg-Heisler Library is not just about the books! It is a place to Get Informed, Get Involved, and Get Connected! The library will be hosting free informative presentations facilitated by local professionals to offer clarity to seniors on the topic of Medicare, and to veterans about the Veterans Affairs services they could be entitled to that are often over-looked as well as the advantages of early enrollment. On April 25 at 6:30 PM the library will host an informative seminar for those approaching Medicare age or are already using Medicare.
Subjects that will be discussed include:
Enrollment Timelines and Special Election Periods
How to Enroll in Medicare
What do Parts A, B, C & D mean and what do they cover?
What if I am Still Working?
Avoiding Future Penalties
Advantage Plan vs Supplement
Rx Coverage and the Donut Hole
Government Assistance Programs
On May 4, at 6:30 PM, two representatives from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Coatesville, will be at the library to explain:
Advantages of early enrollment in the VA system
Benefits that are often not taken advantage of
Why some Veterans get some benefits while others may not
How your eligibility for benefits can change
What a family member needs to know
There will be time allotted at the end of both sessions for questions. Space is limited therefor registration for these seminars is requested by logging on to the library’s website wwwstrasburglibrary.org, choosing the calendar tab, and clicking on the highlighted event. Or call the library at 717 687 8969 and a staff member will make your registration for you.
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