The Public Libraries of Lancaster County join public libraries in an eight-county region to participate in ‘A Summer Read’, a reading initiative for adults, teens, and seniors during the summer months (June –September) sponsored by Wellspan: Aligning Forces for Quality – South Central PA (AF4Q) and WITF Transforming Health Series.
Initiated in 2013, A Summer Read has grown to become a very successful partnership. Every year, 650 copies of the selected Summer Read book are distributed to the participating libraries. Topics for the book are always a perfect fit for PA Forward: Health Literacy. This year the initiative launches in May and continues through September, followed by an author lecture in September or October.
How do healthcare collaborators and libraries have similar missions?
Aligning Forces for Quality –South Central Pennsylvania is a multi-stakeholder regional coalition that brings patients, providers, employers, and insurers to one table to address health care cost and quality in South Central PA.
PA Forward: Health Literacy –We envision a Pennsylvania with active citizens able to manage their own and their family’s well-being, empowered to be effective partners with their healthcare providers, and living longer, more productive lives.
How does my local library get involved?
As the new book selection is released each year, all of our Lancaster County Libraries will have copies available for you to check out. Check with your local public library throughout the summer, for book talks and programs surrounding the topics covered in the book.
To celebrate your participation in the Summer Read program, the author of the selected book then holds an informative lecture free to the public. Readers are given the opportunity to fill out a survey and be entered to win one of 30 tickets to meet the author at a private reception before the public lecture in the fall. The survey is available at your local participating library or www.transforminghealth.org. If readers are unable to make the public lecture, they may also listen to author on Radio Smart Talk on WITF 89.5 or WITF –TV.
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