Saturday, May 4, 2019
The Comic Store in Lancaster is hosting a day of FREE comic books at their McGovern Avenue location on Saturday, May 4th from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm compliments of the store owner, Joe Miller.
The Vader’s Fifth 501 Legion Garrison Carida was such a huge hit last year that they are returning this year with even more Star Wars characters! We expect a whole plethora of cosplay characters to be visiting our store and parking lot, including Batman, Batgirl, and Steampunk Wonder Woman. Make plans now to visit our store May 4th!!
As always, each customer receives one free comic book. For each additional copy we request that a donation of 50 cents be collected at the register. All of the donated money will be used to buy graphic novels and books for the Lancaster County Public libraries.
Last year The Comic Store collected over $1300.00 for the local libraries. Four years ago, The Comic Store won the National Award of Best Charity from Diamond Comic Distributors for its efforts in sponsoring this fund-raiser.
Lancaster County’s Public libraries will also have comic books to give away (while supplies last). Teens and tweens at public libraries in Lancaster County have received free comic books since 2005.
Ed Miller, Special Services Manager in charge of Bookmobile services countywide is very enthusiastic about this annual Comic Book Day promotion. He sees the value that graphic novels hold for teens, “For some of the teenagers that we see, graphic novels are the only literature that they will look at — and yes, comic books can be serious literature. We are extremely grateful for the assistance that Joe Miller gives to support library outreach to teens!”
The Comic Store
28 McGovern Ave.
Lancaster, Pa. 17602
(717) 397-8737
Cell (717) 808-5207
For more information about The Comic Store, visit:
For information about the public libraries in Lancaster County, visit:
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